
Ready or not, LENT has begun!

Ready or not, LENT has begun!

Ready or not, LENT has begun! Even if you missed Ash Wednesday, it is never too late to “Repent and believe in the Gospel…” For those of you looking for an online shot, see some of the following for a jump start to your CyberLent: A Fruitful Lent Begins in the...

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Holy Week | 2019

Holy Week | 2019

This Sunday, Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday, begins a week of renewing our Faith that culminates in a three day blowout we call the Triduum, and EASTER! Even if you have done nothing else for Lent, these three days and Easter Sunday we stand with the whole church and...

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St. Joseph

St. Joseph

St. Joseph St. Joseph is portrayed in the statue inset onto the smaller altar to your right as you face the sanctuary. Because of his diligence toward Mary and his loving parenting of Jesus, the Catholic Church esteems him. St. Joseph is the patron saint of fathers....

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The Catholic Origins of April Fool’s Day

The Catholic Origins of April Fool’s Day

Loved by pranksters but loathed by teachers and those who are easily spooked, we can all agree that April Fool's Day is one of the world's silliest holidays. But did you know that the Catholic Church might have had a hand in cementing it on the calendar? According to...

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